Do you, like many believers, long for the day of redemption, when we will finally look upon the face of Our Lord and Saviour in His full and complete glory and triumph? In this sixth letter to the church in Philadelphia, Jesus reminds us, His faithful followers, of the power of perseverance. He knows we're weak, and sinful, and full of doubt. But instead of searching for fulfillment in a world that will never satisfy, we need to remember our true reward. There's a light that is coming for the heart that holds on!
Over 500 years ago, a great revolution of spiritual renewal and revival occurred throughout Europe. This was the time of the Reformation and its...
What do you do with the truth you know? The truth that dwells within you and spoke the world into existence cannot be confined...
In our last message, we learned how spiritual poverty leads to riches. As we continue in the Beatitudes, Jesus now tells us that sorrow...