As we continue in Psalm 5 we discover the next 3 ingredients in this recipe for rejoicing. In part 1, we examined David's example calling us to earnest prayer and purity before God, which ultimately leads to joy, even in the midst of crisis. The truth of God's steadfast love, mercy and grace changes the life of the believer, refocuses perspective and redirects pursuits. In the face of persecution and trial, be encouraged by today's message knowing that for those who love God all things work together for their good - and for his glory!
Today, as we unpack 1 Kings 17: 17-24, we learn that Elijah trusts God for miracles even in the face of terrible tragedy. The...
John Newton's well known hymn, "Amazing Grace" uses words taken directly from today's text. "I was blind but now I see" exclaims the man...
What comes to mind when you hear the word "blessing"? God's definition of blessing and how he delivers it to his people is quite...