Tim Keller is quoted as having said that, "every other treasure you have to purchase: Jesus is the only treasure that purchased you". How true is that! Salvation is a free gift and is of infinite, incomparable value - there is nothing that even comes close. In light of this, the bible warns us about placing our trust and value in earthly things that are temporal and can steal Jesus' rightful place in our hearts. Instead, we are called to build up our treasures in heaven, living in light of the Kingdom and the greatest gift of all.
How do you live your life? Is it in surrender to God and generosity? Is it with a focus on the eternal treasure in...
An important question today: What does the church mean to you? Today we begin a new series that seeks to clarify how God defines...
Reflect on this thought from Charles Spurgeon: "Little faith will take your soul to heaven, but great faith will bring heaven to your soul..."...