What do you want from life? Do you desire vacations? A beautiful home with a luxury car? Popularity? At the end of his days, Paul's confident that His obedience to God warrants the crown of rigtheousness! He's not interested in pursuing self-glory or a fortune. Rather, he focuses on his offering and God's reward. When faced with temptation and opposition, we can feel like this focus is so hard to obtain and yet, God has graciously provided His Word and His Spirit to carry us through to victory.
Today, we continue our growth and learning about the parables preached by Jesus, unique to the Gospel of Luke. Our lesson this time, through...
The NASB translation of Malachi 2:16 reads, "I hate divorce, says the LORD God of Israel". God's view on divorce is expressed quite clearly...
A wise pastor often shared with his congregation a beautiful truth: that Jesus on the cross represents "the death of death in the death...