The Word of God teaches us that the Biblical Heart is made up of the Mind, the Affections and the Will. We've infiltrated the Mind and stirred up our Affections in our first instalment of our Healthy Heart series... now it's time to go after our Wills! The bottom line is that our best will, every single time we come to make a decision, is God's Will. Our will on earth, guided by God, must first discern, then desire and then finally and most importantly, do!
Have you ever taken a minute, just a minute, to stop and examine the miraculous intricacies of a flower blooming in your garden or...
Many people associate meekness with weakness, viewing it as a flaw. Yet, Jesus challenges this worldly view by teaching that "the meek shall inherit...
Have you ever taken a minute, just a minute, to stop and examine the miraculous intricacies of a flower blooming in your garden or...