Welcome to another exciting day as we begin a new series, Hope & Holiness, which delves into the epistle of 1 Peter. In this incredible, urgent letter of encouragement penned through Peter, the Holy Spirit assures us that, despite feeling weak and alone at times, we need never fear nor despair, because our destination always determines our direction. And if our ultimate destination is Heaven, Hope and Holiness, then our end result can only be Glory to God!
In a world that promotes self-dependency and self-sufficiency, we may ask ourselves, "Am I enough?" "Is there more to this life?" "Why do I...
Wealth is not sinful in and of itself. God blessed many of his faithful servants (consider Solomon) with a gift of wealth. But with...
What does is mean to worship God? We can do this through song and praise, but real worship encompasses so much more! At conversion,...