This mini series focuses on Psalm 112, a relatively little known psalm. Today’s message reminds us of the constant and unfathomable blessings that God pours down on us through His steadiness and perfection. This passage brings us truth about who we are in the Lord. For the righteous will never be moved! You will be remembered forever by the living God. When you are chosen, you are secure.At the end of the day, when you belong to the Lord, you are His!
An important question today: What does the church mean to you? Today we begin a new series that seeks to clarify how God defines...
When He shed His perfect blood for us at the cross, the Lamb, our Saviour Jesus Christ paid for our sins once and for...
Get ready for life-changing knowledge as we continue our study of glorious doctrine.But why is doctrine so important?Because all Scripture is breathed out by...