Jesus taught many important, life-changing lessons in His parables... and in this series, Let Me Tell You A Story, we're getting ready to dig deeper into the incredible parables that are unique to the Gospel of Luke. Today, for our first parable, we delve into an awesome story illustrating 'head knowledge' versus 'heart knowledge'. Without a heart on fire—also known as compassion—life in Christ is futile. Where is your heart today? Are you filled with conviction... and compassion?
What does repentance have to do with a pure heart? How does a pursuit of purity produce holiness? As we dive into the battle...
In this, the conclusion of our series A Word to the Church, Jesus addresses the believers in Laodicea, a place that had become self-sufficient...
Today wraps up our mini series, and today we are addressing how the believer in Christ is supposed to respond to the tumultuous world...