C.S. Lewis said, "The business of heaven is joy..." and today, through two of Jesus' wonderful teaching stories, the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Lost Coin, we learn that heaven's joy is God's joy becoming our joy! Rest assured: God searches out those who are truly lost and truly repentant... and have no doubt, He will find you. That's why we must sing out to Him with all of our hearts, today and every day. If the business of heaven is joy, let's give heaven our business!
Today and tomorrow, we wrap up our Healthy Heart series with our discussion of a Wealthy Heart... not wealth in a worldly sense, but...
We know, because of the Gospel, and as evidenced by our study of Hebrews 10:32-39, that the Blood of Christ has redeemed us. Every...
As Jesus wraps up his powerful Sermon on the Mount, he shares the analogy of two builders: one constructs his house on the firm...