Jesus showered his love, compassion and mercy on the very people that the world overlooked. He plainly tells us in Matthew 5:7 'Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy'. Christ calls us to show love and hospitality to others with a genuine heart of mercy. We are to be agents of grace and he himself modelled this for us throughout his life on earth. When we show love to the 'least of these', we show love to Christ!
Today, we continue in our three-part series entitled 'In God We Trust', based on David's pleading cries to the Lord in Psalm 31. We...
You know those special days in your life when you’re really excited for something? Maybe it’s Christmas, or a birthday, or another holiday. Maybe...
John Newton's well known hymn, "Amazing Grace" uses words taken directly from today's text. "I was blind but now I see" exclaims the man...