Do you remember how you felt when you first met Jesus and knew He was your Lord and Saviour? Unspeakable joy, a heart on fire, ceaseless prayer... but when love is unattended or misguided, we may find ourselves abandoning our passion and just going through the motions. This happens to churches, too! In today's message, we read in Revelations about early churches that had lost their fire for the Lord. It's a powerful reminder that our church is more than a building and people... it's the body of Christ Himself.
John Newton's well known hymn, "Amazing Grace" uses words taken directly from today's text. "I was blind but now I see" exclaims the man...
Do you live your life by the Spirit or by the flesh? What does living by the Spirit mean? Galatians 5:16 tells us if...
As we ponder the amazing truth that we need not succumb to fear in this life because God always has our back, we also...