Ephesians 5:22-23 says, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord". Today, in One Thing in My Marriage, we learn that there's an enormous difference between the world's definition of submission and God's definition of submission. The marriage that God blesses is filled with awesome love and respect... with a knowledge of the equally important, but different, roles of the wife and her husband. As marriages seem to crumble around us, this is an impactful message for all... old, young, married, single.
As we ponder the amazing truth that we need not succumb to fear in this life because God always has our back, we also...
Many people associate meekness with weakness, viewing it as a flaw. Yet, Jesus challenges this worldly view by teaching that "the meek shall inherit...
Some of the hardest seasons we find ourselves in are season of waiting. Waiting for the phone call, the change in restrictions, the invitation,...