We're praying that throughout this series, the Lord has been working in many hearts... indeed, in your heart... acting as a filter to separate what is essential and what is worldly rubbish. In this, our last One Thing lesson, we consider Hebrews 7:26-28 and the astounding, perfect truth: once for all, the Great High Priest, Jesus Christ, white as snow, pure, holy, fully man and yet fully God, offered up Himself for us, and for all our hateful sin. One Thing, One Person, in My Place? Rejoice, for it is truly well with my soul!
Today and tomorrow, we wrap up our Healthy Heart series with our discussion of a Wealthy Heart... not wealth in a worldly sense, but...
Like all of us, David is subjected to his fair share of troubles and woes, even if he seems to have the Lord’s favour....