Today is a gentle reminder, just in case we are lulled into thinking maybe our salvation or our relationship with Jesus Christ has anything to do with us, make no mistake... our redemption is God's glory, and only His! We learn today, starting with Ephesians 1:11 to 14 and turning to various passages in Scripture, that only by grace and by faith, by God's seal, we are His as believers. Our only purpose is to believe and to be transformed!
Do you, like many believers, long for the day of redemption, when we will finally look upon the face of Our Lord and Saviour...
As Christmas draws near, we may find ourselves in heaps of wrapping paper, ribbons, and masking tape. We may lose perspective on our most...
Imitating Christ is one of several themes found in Philippians. Society often will lift up and celebrate individuals, praising them as the 'Greatest of...