We hope you're being blessed in our series right now, which captures an exciting and enlightening look at the Book of Jonah! To recap what's happened so far: Jonah was called by God, rebelled and fled from God, and after finding himself in the belly of a great fish, prayed to God to save him. Of course, our God, who loves to give grace, mercy and second chances, saves Jonah. But for what? Let's discover together what happens next! A sneak peek: incredible evangelism and transformation!
A clean house, a clean car, clean clothes, even the proverbial 'clean slate' - why do we so enjoy things that are clean? Perhaps...
How can you tell the state of your Healthy Heart in Christ? A quick quiz: if biblical principles fire you up into practical passion,...
Today we’re looking again at suffering, and specifically how to suffer as God would have us. I so like that series of books with...