Psalm 16 reveals the key to the life of true contentment. Through David's complete dependence on and his intimate relationship with God, he has discovered confidence and peace. This results from a heart that is totally surrendered to the Lord and a life devoted to pursuing Him first above all things. Jesus tells us in Mattew 5:6 'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied". Seek first Christ and his righteousness and find the satisfied life!
The bible is foundational to the life of the believer because it is the very word of God. Through it, God reveals to us...
When plans fall through, doors close, and we experience relational conflict it's easy to feel weak, confused, and even discouraged. How can we determine...
A wise pastor often shared with his congregation a beautiful truth: that Jesus on the cross represents "the death of death in the death...