Throughout the ages, God has used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things by his power and for his glory. Specifically, he uses and strengthens those who wholly trust in him and are willing to follow him and his authority, regardless of the cost. In every generation the Lord has personally called men and women unto himself, including Samuel who eagerly responded with a heart to serve God and eventually be used to change the direction of an entire nation. In his grace God continues to call people today, building his kingdom and achieving his purpose through those who put their faith in him - is God calling you today?
Today's message introduces us to Samuel's parents, Elkanah and Hannah. Elkanah worshipped the Lord and walked in genuine obedience, evidencing his true love for...
As genuine followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in the world, but what does this actually mean? Just as...
In Psalm 51, David shows God his heart of confession, then his authentic longing for a cleansed heart. Now we learn about David's Heart...