What role does prayer play in your life? Is it a priority? Prayer is the key that unlocks the power of God to accomplish in us what we cannot on our own. Yet many of us fail to pray, communicating to God that we don't need his help, thus forfeiting access to his power. Jesus' prayer life modelled for us the essentiality of this discipline in the Christian life. Abide in him in prayer, then watch and see God's power unleashed!
We hope you're being blessed in our series right now, which captures an exciting and enlightening look at the Book of Jonah! To recap...
Jesus’ teaching on prayer in Matthew 6 is a call to authenticity, humility, and intimacy with God. Christ demonstrated these values not only through...
What defines a good leader? Integrity? Thoughtfulness? In this message, Pastor Robbie explores Paul's words to the leaders in the church. Coming with a...