How do you live your life? Is it in surrender to God and generosity? Is it with a focus on the eternal treasure in heaven? If we're honest, we may get distracted by pursuing and dwelling on material wealth, relationships, respect, and a good reputation. God's interested in seeing our hearts completely devoted to him. Why? In Luke 12:34, Jesus says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart is also." Our hearts reveal what we treasure (love and value) the most. In this message, Pastor Robbie explores the reality of treasuring Jesus in our daily lives.
In today's message, we learn of how the priests of Malachi's day had grown half-hearted and negligent in their service to the Lord and...
Obedience is the manifestation of our faith. As we abide in Christ, he promises to abide in us. God takes great pleasure by working...
It is so easy to cast judgement on and question the salvation of others. But are we in the right to do so? How...