As we heard in the previous message in this series, the faithful church will always hold fast to the unequivocal authority of the word. Because this is true, then the preaching of God's word it our unconditional calling in the church. In 2 Timothy, we find Paul nearing the end of his life and knowing this, he urgently issues the charge to his young mentee to 'preach the word' - above all else - and without apology. It is not an easy road, yet there is no higher calling or greater expression of love than to faithfully preach God's word - a light in the darkness and a hope for the hopeless!
"John Bryson said this: ""If Jesus answered all of your prayers from the last thirty days, would anything change in THE world or just...
Integrity has been defined as "who you are when nobody is watching". Employees tell us that above all, integrity is the single most important...
We've learned in this series that David's Psalm 31 can be summed up as a "deep personal trust in God within the depths of...