We Deserve God's Wrath: Propitiation P2

March 26, 2023 00:29:30
We Deserve God's Wrath: Propitiation P2
Live in the Light Daily Broadcast
We Deserve God's Wrath: Propitiation P2

Mar 26 2023 | 00:29:30


Show Notes

When Jesus died on the cross, he absorbed God's wrath for our sin in its entirety. Yes, Jesus took the penalty for our past, present, future sin. How do we know this? In these messages, Pastor Robbie walks us through the groundbreaking realities of the gospel. Beginning with God's character and ending with the gift of faith, we'll learn "who", "why", and "how" God reconciles us to himself. May your spirit rejoice in the compassion of our great God!

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