As genuine followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in the world, but what does this mean? Just as salt was used as a preservative in Jesus' time, Christians are also to live lives that preserve morality and slow the spiritual decay we see in the current culture of this world. We also are to be light in this world, shining it through good works so that Christ receives the glory. In today's message, Pastor Robbie examines and exposits this important call on the life of th Christ-follower.
Unless you're convinced by God's Truth, you can't be changed by God's Truth... so we're going after God's Truth once again today as we...
"We've learned through this series about how powerful prayer is and how to follow its path. Now it's time to turn our attention to...
When He shed His perfect blood for us at the cross, the Lamb, our Saviour Jesus Christ paid for our sins once and for...