Revelation 1:1 says we need to know "the things that must soon take place". In His seven letters to the seven churches, Jesus is preparing us for the end of the world and eternity. Will we listen? In His second letter, to the church in Smyrna, Jesus acknowledges the suffering that Christians must endure, the tests we, as believers, must face—with the knowledge that judgment is indeed coming. It's not easy. There's a cost to following Christ, but there's a greater cost to not following Him. Which will you choose?
Today we’re looking again at suffering, and specifically how to suffer as God would have us. I so like that series of books with...
As genuine followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in the world, but what does this mean? Just as salt...
Through this message we are getting to know our Saviour more, through the doctrine of the Person of Christ. We will examine four affirmation...