Revelation 1:1 says we need to know "the things that must soon take place". In His seven letters to the seven churches, Jesus is preparing us for the end of the world and eternity. Will we listen? In His second letter, to the church in Smyrna, Jesus acknowledges the suffering that Christians must endure, the tests we, as believers, must face—with the knowledge that judgment is indeed coming. It's not easy. There's a cost to following Christ, but there's a greater cost to not following Him. Which will you choose?
Today we begin a new series on the book of James, starting in James 1:1-4. This series is all about putting feet to our...
Today wraps up our mini series, and today we are addressing how the believer in Christ is supposed to respond to the tumultuous world...
Welcome to the fifth message in our series, A Word to the Church. Today, we're learning about Jesus' Letter to the Spiritually Dead—and remember...