Today's message introduces us to Samuel's parents, Elkanah and Hannah. Elkanah worshipped the Lord and walked in genuine obedience, evidencing his true love for God and family, even when discouraged by his wife's barrenness. Both he and Hannah modelled a faithfulness and dependence on God in the home where Samuel would be nurtured and raised. His parents' life of prayer was powerful in shaping Samuel's character, preparing him for his eventual positioning as a leader for God's people. Our children are watching - what do they see?
How do you respond when someone insults, verbally, or even physically. attacks you? Is your first reaction to seek retribution or revenge? Consider Jesus'...
Have you ever experienced unhelpful thoughts? Sometimes our thoughts jump on the fearful, disheartened, and self-centered train, and while it's okay to experience emotions,...
There is peace and comfort and courage found in dwelling on God's promises. In our last message on Haggai, we unravel the promises of...