John Newton's well known hymn, "Amazing Grace" uses words taken directly from today's text. "I was blind but now I see" exclaims the man when Jesus restores his sight. Through the Lord's healing touch, the man is no longer a captive, locked in a world of darkness but now freed to live in one of light! Newton understood that before knowing Christ, we are blind and wretched, enslaved by sin. Only Jesus can rescue us from death and darkness, then welcome us into his marvelous light and the gift of eternal life!
Let's continue our journey unpacking Peter's first letter to a group of early Christians, who were being persecuted by an unbelieving world. In today's...
A clean house, a clean car, clean clothes, even the proverbial 'clean slate' - why do we so enjoy things that are clean? Perhaps...
Samuel was not a perfect man but he consistently lived a life of integrity, conviction and faithfulness. His ability to persevere and endure resulted...