Jesus was the greatest peacemaker of all time, and thus given the name, "Prince of Peace". Through his death and resurrection, Christ reconciled sinful man to God, and peace was made with God. As believers seek to conform more and more into his image, it only follows that we, in turn, are also called to be peacemakers. We are reminded through today's message how Christ came to bring peace, yet suffered extreme persecution in doing so. We too as Christians, should expect to experience the same as we stand for him and are obedient to his word. Paul informs us in 2 Timothy 3:12, "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted". In this last of the Beatitudes, take heart in knowing that when persecuted for righteousness sake, God's blessing will result!
In the midst of loss, seasons of waiting, and heartache we can feel discouraged, helpless, and discontent. We may ask, "How do we find...
There is peace and comfort and courage found in dwelling on God's promises. In our last message on Haggai, we unravel the promises of...