As genuine followers of Christ, we are called to be salt and light in the world, but what does this actually mean? Just as salt was used as a preservative in Jesus' time, Christians are also to live lives that preserve morality and slow the spiritual decay we see in the current culture of this world. We also are to be light in this world, shining it through good works so that Christ receives the glory. In today's message, Pastor Robbie examines and exposits this important call on the life of the Christ-follower.
In the wake of the pandemic, the idea of social gatherings faded, but we continued to long for them. We missed the smiles of...
Who alone can take a wretched, broken heart of sin and transform it into a heart of righteousness? Only our almightly, merciful God! In...
There are so many lovely gifts that come with following Jesus. From a church family to unending hope in eternal life, God's given us...