Today, we turn once again to God's Word, specifically His counsel in Proverbs, as He calls us to check wisdom in our hearts... and in our homes. Proverbs 24:3-4 says that if they are built on the foundation of wisdom, our homes will offer security, stability and safety. Much more than bricks and mortar, a Godly home consists of wise husbands and excellent wives raising God-fearing children filled with joy. Does wisdom perfume your home?
God shows love for every human race. No matter our skin tone, cultural background, or heritage the Lord welcomes us in equally. How does...
Imitating Christ is one of several themes found in Philippians. Society often will lift up and celebrate individuals, praising them as the 'Greatest of...
We've learned in this series that David's Psalm 31 can be summed up as a "deep personal trust in God within the depths of...