Today, we turn once again to God's Word, specifically His counsel in Proverbs, as He calls us to check wisdom in our hearts... and in our homes. Proverbs 24:3-4 says that if they are built on the foundation of wisdom, our homes will offer security, stability and safety. Much more than bricks and mortar, a Godly home consists of wise husbands and excellent wives raising God-fearing children filled with joy. Does wisdom perfume your home?
Many people consider the quality of "meekness" to be a sign of weakness in a person and therefore, undesirable. Christ once again turns a...
In one of the most well-known battles in Scripture, Elijah must confront God's enemy Ahab and his legion of idol-worshipers on Mount Carmel. A...
Severe consequences resulted when God's people wandered away in disobedience. In today's text we see that compromise ultimately led to disaster for the Israelites...