Psalm 5, know as a morning psalm, finds David crying out in prayer to the Lord in the midst of his pain and sorrow. Yet even as he suffers, David is able to rejoice because he trusts God's faithfulness and goodness. He knows that the Lord is the only true source of joy - nothing else can satisfy his hungry heart! David understands that prayer is the essential ingredient to the 'secret recipe' for rejoicing. Let's listen today and discover the secret recipe for joy!
Why should believers be baptized? Jesus tells us to observe only two ordinances: baptism and the Lord's Supper. Today Pastor Robbie's message examines what...
Freedom is a very big deal in our society and culture right now. Today we are going to learn about a Freedom that is...
John Bryson said this: "If Jesus answered all of your prayers from the last thirty days, would anything change in THE world or just...